"Museki Note" Music License
These license apply when using music from Museki Note.
When you download the music on this site, I will determine that you have accepted these Terms of Use.
Report on the use of music material
There is no need to report on the use of music material.If you report a usage report, you will not know if you can reply.
However, if I get it, I will be motivated to compose, so please consider it.
I'm sorry, I don't know if I can answer any questions regarding the use of music.
Regarding copyright notice
License is not abandoned. If you use music from this site "Museki Note", please indicate the copyright.
In addition, the music on this site cannot be used or distributed as your own music. The music material on this site cannot be registered on other material sites.
Example of copyright notation
music: Museki Note
Please indicate the copyright in the name of this site. There is no designation of the copyright place.
If possible, please link to this site (https://musekinote.com).
If it is difficult to indicate the copyright, such as when using BGM in a play or at a school festival, it is not necessary.
Regarding commercial use
The music material on this site can be used free of charge, but be sure to indicate the copyright for commercial use.
You are free to cut, paste, and effect processing. You can also use it for free in video games.
There are no content restrictions
Free music material on this site can be used for any content. Even if there is age restriction, it is OK.
Prohibited matter
The music material on this site cannot be used as your work. Please indicate the copyright.
Have a good music life
Please understand the above and use it freely.